Arts Infopoint UK's next coffee morning is:

9:30am GMT | 04 June 2024 

Topic:  How can international artists prepare for the UK Festival season   

Guest contributor: Rachel Down, WOMEX 24 lead producer & Terry James, general manager at Rock-it Cargo: Global Logistics Specialists.  


The UK festival season is warming up ready to welcome international artists. Do you have plans to perform at a UK festival? Do you feel ready and prepared to work in the UK?  

This session is for artists to come and listen to experienced festival producers about what they have learned from inviting and welcoming international artists to UK festivals.  

We will be joined by Rachel Down lead producer with WOMEX 24 in Manchester and previously worked at Manchester International Festival. She will share some top tips and learnings from her own experience of welcoming international artists to festivals in the UK and what to remember when planning your visit.  

Some key questions and considerations if you have been confirmed for a UK festival and ahead of the session could be:  

  • How do you start planning?  

  • What do you do once you have been confirmed to perform at a festival?  

  • What support can the festival provide?  

  • Is there anything you need to consider that you might not have thought of yet?  

  • What online resources are available to help you plan your visit?  

If you’re performing at a UK festival this year or hoping to come in the future this will be a useful chance to check in on your plans and what you need to do before coming to the UK.    

If you are a festival hosting international artists, or maybe you’re a new Permit Free Festival, or a producer who supports international artists to come to the UK please join us to share your experiences and tips in this supportive session.  

There will be opportunities at the end of the session to share experiences and ask questions you might have. You can also share any questions ahead of the session when you sign up or by sending them directly to us.