The International Opportunities Fund (IOF) and our pilot fund Connect: International Networks and Market Development have been paused since March 2020. Despite restrictions on travel, international conversations and collaborations have continued to flourish digitally during this time.


In response to the changing environment globally and to the many discussions we’ve listened to and participated in, we will be reviewing both funds with the intention of opening a rescoped International Opportunities Fund in April 2021.


In advance of this, we are re-opening a smaller scale International Opportunities Fund on 27 January 2021 for internationally connected activity, primarily supporting the development of projects using digital platforms and tools.


Please read the edited guidelines on our funding page  and note the single deadline of Thursday 18 February 2021 for this period.  


Having recently partnered with Welsh Government on their Year of Wales in Germany 2021 we particularly welcome applications to the fund for developing further links with Germany.